Contemplative Outreach of Northern Virginia
Morning of Centering Prayer
"A Morning of Centering Prayer and Reflection"
Saturday April 12th
You are warmly invited to give yourself the gift of some quiet morning retreat time, joining with fellow centering prayer practitioners for some shared practice together using readings and sacred images (borrowed from a recent CO "Word of the Week" ) offered to transition us into deeper silence. Our retreat will include time for reflection and journaling as well as sharing in community.
We hope you can join us for all or part of the morning. You may wish to bring a journal. The schedule (posted below) is flexible for coming and going (in silence).
Are you new to Centering Prayer? Welcome!
You are invited to click here for some helpful info & guidelines.
9:00am Welcome
9:05am 1st Centering Prayer sit (25 min)
9:35am Visio/Lectio Divina, journaling, group sharing
10:15am Brief announcements followed by 5min break
10:25am 2nd Centering Prayer sit (25 min)
10:55am Blessing*
*Following the blessing, there will be a 10-15 min opportunity for those who wish to remain on for a bit of fellowship, to connect with others or to ask a question.